Tuition and Fees
A school fee is charged for all children who attend our school. Parents who are not members of St. John's must pay a school fee and also tuition.
Explanation of school fee: This annual school fee covers the replacement and costs of textbooks, workbooks, and school supplies such as duplicating paper, art supplies, paper toweling, copying, technology maintenance, etc. School fees are not refundable.
The cost of educating your children is @ $5,200 per student and is subsidized by the congregation of St. John's.
School Fees (K-8): $450 per child (More than one child fee will be reduced: $400-2nd; $350-3rd; $300-4th )
Young Fives: $1500 per child and a total of $450 for school registration and fees.
School Fees/Activity Fees are non-refundable and should be paid in full at registration.
Sister Congregation (WELS/ELS) Tuition:
Grades 1-8
Community Member Tuition:
Grades 1-8
Activity Fee
An activity fee ($50) will be charged for each child (discount beginning with a 3rd child) for the upkeep of all athletic equipment, as well as costs associated with home games and tournaments and other various school activities such as field trips, plays, etc.