October 8, 2017 was the 50th Anniversary of the dedication of our present facilities. On October 8, 1967, St. John's members left the original location of our congregation's beginnings on the corner of Bliss and Elm Streets, just a block south of Brockway Road to dedicate our new church at 4705 Brockway Road. It was 50 years to the day that we had a special anniversary service of thanksgiving to the Lord for all his blessings upon our congregation over the years. A special Commemoration Committee was established and began planning other sub-committees for this special observance.
The Board of Trustees proposed a list of special projects that were presented before the congregation over the coming months that were meant to help in the enhancement of the worship/school facilities that our gracious Lord has given us for the work of his preaching and teaching the Gospel. These proposed projects were being divided into two categories: Special enhancements and Necessary enhancements. Their proposals were set before the congregation over the coming months.
Some of these projects have already been funded and completed.
A special thanksgiving service was held on October 8, 2017, along with a special fellowship dinner and a presentation of Christian music by the well known Christian music band, "Koine."
The logo designed by Craig Snook, our personal artist, was for our 2017 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving Celebration.